Maddie Craig1 minWHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOU WEREN'T AFRAID?A personal note by Maddie Craig on fear and breaking out of your shell.
Maddie Craig1 minWHY IS BOOKKEEPING IMPORTANT FOR SMALL BUSINESSES?Many small businesses attempt to manage their finances without formal bookkeeping procedures. This can be a recipe for disaster,
Maddie Craig2 minBOOKKEEPING CHECKLIST FOR SMALL BUSINESS If you don't have training in finance, you may be feeling the OVERWHELM when it comes to bookkeeping. This checklist will help!
Maddie Craig1 minKNOW YOUR WORTH AND VALUE YOUR WORKHow To Know Your Worth: Value yourself! Don’t undercharge for the value that you bring to the table.
Maddie Craig1 minSHOULD I JOIN A TRADE ASSOCIATIONMaybe joining a trade association is the thing that will take your business to the next level.
Maddie Craig1 minHAVE A NEW BUSINESS BANK ACCOUNT? If you’re about to or have recently added a new business bank account, keep these tips in mind!
Maddie Craig1 minIT'S OKAY TO TURN DOWN PROSPECTS AND SAY "NO" Mastering this skill makes you better at doing business.
Maddie Craig2 minHOW TO HIRE A GOOD BOOKKEEPERDo you need a bookkeeper? These steps will help you choose the best one for you!
Maddie Craig1 minTAKING CARE OF YOURSELF IS TAKING CARE OF BUSINESSWhen you're healthy and happy, you're simply more productive and effective in your work.