The turning of the calendar filling social feeds with glittering “New Year, New You” memes makes it clear — we’ve entered prime intention-setting season...
But transforming from the old, stagnant version of oneself into the new and improved model is easier said on Instagram than done in real life.
The problem is, well-worn habits have a tighter grasp than we’d like to admit.
As motivational speaker Jim Rohn famously said..
“What is easy to do is also easy not to do.”
And what feels difficult - even if vitally important — stands a high chance of remaining permanently parked on our overflowing to-do lists.
Come the year 2025, will you find yourself frustratedly reflecting on 12 more months of running in place? Or will you harness the momentum of 2024 to step into meaningful change? The choice comes down to either clinging to comfortable routines, or leaning into unfamiliar territory.
As we embark on fresh beginnings, it’s the ideal moment to leave behind habits, behaviors and mindsets no longer serving us in order to welcome new approaches aligned with the results we desire. The dawn of January represents a powerful portal; the question is, will we step through with courage?
Insanity & Change
You’ve likely heard Einstein’s popular quip defining insanity as “doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” Perhaps on January 1 you dutifully jotted down goals then quickly reverted back to your status quo, hoping this year your repeated strategy would somehow yield dramatically different outcomes.
If that sounds familiar, reflect on why you expect rituals that have consistently disappointed to suddenly deliver. That blank journal and trendy fitness tracker won’t magically produce progress if not paired with the willingness to implement actual change.
This year, try asking yourself the harder questions:
What behaviors or routines have become so ingrained I publicize them to seem productive while privately questioning their payoff?
What mindsets negatively impact my decision making despite consciously knowing better?
What relationships or responsibilities consistently leave me feeling drained vs fueled?
Grappling with uncomfortable inner realizations will surface what requires change far more than another vacuous social media vision board ever could.
Out With the Old
So clearing out the crud is priority one — but then comes actively establishing upgrades in place of those tired tactics. Out with laziness and excuses, in with convictive commitment.
Rather than vague goals like “improve my marriage” or “update my skills,” drill down to precise actions that support your aims. Get granular with weekly objectives, mile markers to gauge progress, metrics signaling success.
Draft an actual learning schedule complete with course titles and testing goals. Schedule recurring date nights or dedicated family time then treat them as seriously as big client meetings. In other words, back your intentions with tactics displaying intrinsically-driven motivation.
Progress over Perfection
While the work of honest self-reflection and intentional change is often gradual, choosing small daily progress compounds over time into transformation.
Maintain consistency, not intensity.
The door to a more uplifting existence cracks open the moment we decide to walk through and leave behind what weighs us down. First comes letting go, then embracing the unfamiliar path.
It is always our choice which direction the compass points next.
Meet The Author

Maddie Craig is the founder of Blue Cypher Bookkeeping, a detail-oriented bookkeeper, and definitely a “numbers nerd”! She is passionate about helping organizations understand the full story of their financials and using it to make more confident decisions and grow strategically. She has experience working with a wide array of clients, including small businesses and non-profit organizations. When not crunching numbers, she and her husband enjoy traveling, being active in the community, and sharing their love for good food with friends and family.